Welcome to the International SBCC Summit

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Neha Kapil

Neha Kapil serves as Regional Advisor, Communication for Development/ Social and Behaviour Change-Community Engagement (C4D/SBC-CE) at UNICEF Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Regional Office. She leads and advances the social and behaviour change strategy in MENA to address entrenched social norms impacting on gender equality and violence against children – among others, as well as to improve communities, families and individuals’ behavior in relation to inter alia parenting in early childhood, the containment of disease outbreaks, and environment protection and responsible water use.

Previously, Neha served as Chief of C4D at the UNICEF Bangladesh Country Office, as well as C4D Specialist responsible for capacity development at UNICEF Headquarters in New York. Neha has over 25 years of experience in advocacy, programming, partnerships and capacity development in rights- and evidence-based social and behaviour change communication in development and emergency contexts. She has worked across global, regional and national levels, in both the private and the public sectors.

